Evelyn Sugianto
DBL 2009 was the first DBL for me. It was a very great experience playing in the DBL competition even though the journey for me to be someone in the team wasn't easy. I wasn't choosen as a team member in the first 3 selection. But I was very grateful that at last I can join the league.In the DBL, my team was in group C with Mutiara Bunda, Petra 4, and one other school. Gratefully, we can defeat the three of them and go to Big 8.
But, in the Big 8 match, we lost in the last four seconds against Santa Maria Junior High School. 

For this year, I will try my best to be in the Senior High School DBL Team and try my best also on every match, so we can achieve better from last year (especially because this year is the first opportunity for the senior high school girls team to be directly into the main round), to glorify God's name from our game, and to make the school be proud of us. 
Evelyn Sugianto
The other basketball cup that i have joined this school year was Frateran Cup. This cup was held at GOR Brawijaya. Our first match was against Stella Maris Senior High School. Sadly, we lost directly in the first match. Stella Maris' players was good, because the players are the one who won the DBL 2009. But, from this cup I can learn that eventhough our opponent is good, we shouldn't give up. We must try until the game's over. 
Evelyn Sugianto
One of the activities that I join related to basketball was STAG Cup 4.
This year's match was grouped, one group were consist of 4 schools.
Even though we don't go to the playoff round, but we already do our best to play against one of the best basketball teams in Surabaya, like Sinlui and STAG itself. 
But it's not enough,in the next match, I will try my best by practicing harder, so my team and I can do better than this one and make the school proud and especially to glorify God's name. 

Before, I also join STAG Cup 3 on January 2010 when I was a Junior High student and got a 3rd place.

Evelyn Sugianto
Hi =]
Welcome to my blog..
This blog is all about school activities that I join, inside and outside school competitions or events,and especially my achievements as a special talent (basketball) scholarship student 2010.
Beside basketball, I also join another activities in playing music.
One of the example is joining the school's musical production "Broken Wings" on February 2011.
All of the events that i join, win or lose, success or not, were an incredible experiences for me, because all activities taught me something new and helps me to be a better person.