Evelyn Sugianto
February 2011 was a wonderful moment for all Cita Hati members, because of the implementation of the school's Musical Production, titled "Broken Wings". The show got so many good responses from people, many people suggested the school to make an album for the soundtracks. Then, on April 2011, the recordings started. The recordings was done one by one based on the instrument played. It took place on a recording studio with lot of great tools. I do the recording in the same day with the guitar player, but we play our parts separately. To produce better sound, I used headphones and microphones to hear and produce the music more clearly. This was the first time for me to have a recording in a studio. Although it took a long time, because if I made mistakes, I must repeat the song from the beginning, but I am grateful to be a part of this recording because I can gain a new experience. Few months after the recording, we can already buy the CD and listen to the songs. All the songs are good and well-played. From this recording I learn that to produce a great song, we need to practice well and being responsible by playing our parts nicely during the recording.

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